Wednesday 29 April 2015

Rolla tappet cover spray

In preparation for car crew battles, I decided to paint my tappet cover to also have a fresh mod on my ride for the show.

Full D.I.Y write up to come soon.



Tuesday 28 April 2015

JSTOC Meet up: Extra Images

I took so many photos, I am having trouble actually selecting the ones to post.

Here are some extra images snapped from the JSTOC meetup.




Sunday 26 April 2015

JSTOC (Jap-Style Toyota Owners Club) Meet Up

What a legen wait for it ...... dary day with a group of Toyota enthusiasts, known as

JSTOC (Jap-Style Toyota Owners Club)JSTOC facebook link. This blog has to be one of the most fulfilling things that I have embarked on.

I have covered the spinning in Worcestor, i8's for the upper class at the V&A waterfront now through to rolling with JSTOC in the south of JOZI!. This is all for the love of cars. I do not affiliate with any car clubs but love going to events and just talking and witnessing the passion people have for these things we call cars.

They bring people together from all walks of life, for what:

To talk K*@k and just enjoy cars.

Check out the pics, enjoy it, will try to narrate a bit as it goes along.

The biggest lesson learned, don't take a sharp corner faster than 60 in a rolla, its rare that I send the rolla sideways,but damn she acted up yesterday, almost spun out, had to use a combo of power sliding, brakes and a sh*t lot of power stop the damn car from spinning out, it resulted in an epic fwd drift and massive respect points gained hahahahaha.

Ae92 sitting upfront, this really captures  the south.

AE92 (Kentucky Rounder) doing the business on BBS, nice.
AE111 sitting on low rider rims, repping it Cali style, tight.     
Look at that offset, sitting low as well boss.
20v looking mean, and like the owner says, the motor has abit of masala.
This has some pull for a carb fed motor.
Bosso indeed ne.
Neat, sitting on BBS.
For charity  .
Soweto also representing.
Ae92 with alot of work put in.
Sun starting to set.
Some ke70 for you.
Low life, AE92
The offset, really.
This KE70, box, sat just rite!
Hahaha, this car looks familiar!
Wood grain steering wheel, nice screen inside and skull gear nob, one word, NICE.
Avensis in action.
Another neat AE92, rounder sitting on bbs.
AE92 hatch also looking mean.
Warning: cool airbrushing below.
Hmm, interesting.
 After all the fun of talking cars, the owners of the place we met at decided that we where a disturbance, not realizing in fact, that there was no loud music, no wheel spinning, we even bought things at the shops. I wonder would we have received the same treatment had it been a group of BMW or Mercedes.

Anyway that aside, i then followed the crew through to check out the real south side of Jozi. Talk about an experience. The guys were actually well behaved, no wheel spinning, just alot of revving and the occasional robot to robot, how shall i call it, "enthusiastic driving."

Legendary day people, legendary day.

Stopping for abit.

The Ae92's were out in full force.
Had the time of my life, check out the shot.

Driving through the streets, you mostly heard 4afe's and exhausts.

Some trick shooting taking place.
Just chilling!
Meeting taking place, with new members and visitors being welcomed.
And that wraps up a legendary day with JSTOC!

Enjoy people.

